Archive for April 16th, 2010

CV with a Twist

In the hopes of gaining a bit of work experience within the design and media industry I’ve quickly designed my own creative CV. The aim was to make it more visually appealing than the everyday CV and to just highlight my proficiencies to make me more employable within the design and media industry. This is just the very first stage in my line of CV’s as I’ve been busy designing an interactive pop up CV/Portfolio which I hope to use in my Final Major Project of this year. More to come very soon…

Mom I’m on TV!

Heres coverage of the pervasive gaming event ‘Dockers Run’ which me and my compadres Chris Coughlin, Tom Jenkins, Meurig Bird and Josh Eyers were involved in. You can catch a glimpse of us in the background waving flags 🙂 The event was a mixture of the Crystal Maze and Treasure Hunt, mostly involving puzzle solving to solve the end clue. Experience could have been a lot better, there were many hitches and confusion in where we had to be for the particular game, all in all a great day of random fun and the end result was a free Chinese Buffet at Cardiff Bay along with free wine! Can’t go wrong with that! 🙂

Futurism Project – Quickshop

Heres my  concept video for the Quickshop, the outcome of my Futurism project…Making everyday shopping a much quicker experience using a few touches on your mobile phone. Could this be the future of consumer convenience? We’ll have to wait and find out 🙂