Posts Tagged ‘ sound ’

Contemporary and Contextual Studies

Woah! New Module! with only 8 weeks of term left, along with concept and the final year show…going to be a tuffy to squeeze in. Our lecture this morning covered Wearable technology, an area I’ve focused on for two of my 1st year projects, Beat Shoes and the Motion Instrumented Gloves.
The presentation by Stuart was really insightful, helped us differentiate the aspects of wearable technology defining them between an art and design perspective. I’ve included one of the videos Stuart in the prezentation, the Peristaltic Skin Machine by Lucy Mcrae. This is really going to influence the outcome video for my end of year show project. I’m loving the way the film is shot and how well the music flows….its been kept short and simple but extremely effective, it sort of teases you and leaves you wanting to find out more….our next lecture for this module is next tuesday, will be sure to keep updated on this!

More Lucy McRae Here….Super Funky Wearable Techy Fashion!